Saturday, September 17

unimportant :p

make these when English Extensive!
because that so damn bored lessons ;p

there are 5 sentences for 5 people 
"i love you" for me
"i miss you" for nella 
"i hate you" for nancy
"i need you" for elisa
"i want you" for nguxe

we made these for a property to take a photo with many expression!
and the photo will be share soon! :p

unforgettable 17th birthday!

hello!! i want to share my seventeenth birthday last may <3 
it's so surprised and so adorable!

first i've been fooled by Nancy Claudia Halim to go to the sutos on my birthday (23rd May) to hang out with them and celebrate my birthday with them
she forced me, although at this time i still sick (fever and sorethroat) -__-

and finally, i felt better on my birthday \m/
then, i went to sutos with Nancy, Elisa and Nguxe (devy and nella couldn't join us at that day :( )
ok, i just thought we'll hang out only me, nan, ngu and el because the other friends can't join us too
we'll meet at sutos at 1 p.m
and they were late! i waited them at wendy's, alone
untilllll nancy came to me ( i confused why she is alone) 
and a few minutes later ngu and el came to us.
at that time i didn't feel something wrong 
after that nancy ate at wendy's (on the second floor)
after that, all of we go downstair and suddenly
elisa closed my eyes with emm something like"bandana" idk what it is
they brought me to the stage at the sutos with a "keplek"(really embarrased!)
and when they opened the bandana that closed my eyes, i feel so surprised!
half of my classmates(science3) were at there!
they sing happy birthday to me and give me a cake with 17th candles! <3

they forced me to wear a babydoll at sutos with a shower cap and i wore a heels at that time! (can you imagine it? LOL)
and they also forced me to request a birthday wishes to 17 people at sutos (really embarrased x_x)

that such a great surprise! and also an embarrased moment! but i'm happy!! i really really touched!!
i never thought that i could have a great birthday like that!
AND ALL! :* 
(sorry can't mention one by one :( )

 ah ya! on 29th may i have a dinner party at Kuningan Restaurant to celebrated my birthday
i'm really happy!

this my class science3! <3

i got a surprised again from my beloved best friends from 9c!
they gave me an igor's cake! ( really like it guys!) and they sang happy birthday to me at the middle of the dinner <3
thanks to : ote, pe, oti, jc, sofi, andre, remon, randy, rusman, dewi, fenny, citra, melda, tepha, gosal!
this is the cake! yum
 And for the last i'll say THANKYOU to EVERYONE who gave me a beautiful birthday ever!
really really LOVE YOU ALL!! Especially all my best friends! :*

the present! love it! :D

Thursday, September 15


menurut kalian apa sih sahabat itu?
seseorang yang selalu ada saat kamu sedih dan bahagia :')
seseorang dimana kita saling berbagi
seseorang yang men support kita
yes, that's right!!

buat aku sahabat adalah segalanya :D
tanpa mereka semua gak ada tawa yang sampe bikin perut sakit, gak ada kekonyolan-kekonyolan
gak ada semuanya deh!
gak ada temen cerita
gak ada temen jalan..

A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.-- Anonymous

aku seneng banget sekarang aku punya banyak sahabat yang seru-seru, gila dan semuanyaaa deh! <3
i"ll say thanks to God cause He brought all my besties come into my life ang make my life more colorful :*

"The rain may be falling hard outside, but your smile makes it all alright. I'm so glad that you're my friend. I know our friendship will never end." 

menurutku sahabat lebih berharga daripada pacar. 
pacar bisa ninggalin kamu tapi sahabat gak akan ngebiarin kamu terpuruk sendirian
pacar berkata bohong untuk menyenangkan hati kita, sahabat berkata jujur untuk membuat kita lebih baik dari sebelumnya
(gak ada maksud buat bilang pacar itu ga penting loh! pacar juga penting tapi jangan sampai gara-gara pacar kalian putus hubungan dengan sahabat kalian :D)

and the laaaassttttt.....
buat semua sahabat-sahabat akuuuuuuuu ( yang ngerasa ya :p ga bisa nyebutin satu")
akuuuuu saaaayyyaaannggggggg kaliaaann semuaaaaa <3<3

Wednesday, September 14

My Autumn Prince

the weather became colder
the greenleaves have fallen
i walked through this path
tryin' to leave pain behind

sitting at the bench with acup of hot chocolate
and i met you for the first time
you gave me a lollipop
trying to make me smile
and my happiness started from that day

i love you at the first sight

one year later
you leave me alone here
in the same time when i met you before
you won't come back again
and i know it
but i believe, it's the best for me and you

even though i couldn't meet you again
i will always remember these memories
deep inside my heart

i'll always love you, My Autumn Prince :')

sick of school

fiuh.. pengen banget teriak kayak gitu, rasany sumpek banget
sekolah suram, di rumah gak ada bagus"nya, banyak pikiran dan GALAU tiap hari dan tiap malam
oke minggu ini semua hasil ulangan di bagi ==' (like a hell week with a little bit shock when the teacher bought a bunch of paper into class ==')
ya kimia,kwn, sejarah oke lah masih tuntas ( ini bener'seneng, yang penting tuntas o:) )yang gawat MATEMATIKA! wth! udah di remed, remed nya gak isa pula -_____- beneran amsiong sama yang namanya INTEGRAL 
waktu ngerjain remed nya tadi; pertama liat soal nomer 1,'oke gampang, seett sett sett nomer 1 ketemu hasilnya, langsusng beralih ke nomer 2 awalnya lancar begitu gak nemu" jawabannya -> langsung panik  dan akirnya nge blank sampe nomer terakhir!! what a stupid!!

beneran, aku udah gak niat sekolah! pusing ketemu guru-guru yang tiap hari ngasi tugas dan ulangan.

this year is the last year for me in this high school!!i love all my friends and the teenagers life in here, but i REALLY hate all ASSingmentand TESTS!
it's just take a few months again and i will be a college student! ( but until now i still confused what faculty that should i take :( )

oke! just a few months again!! FIGHTING!!

Wednesday, September 7


all lights were off
this town being dark everywhere
and no one make a noise
so silent..
all roses were die
and the leaves fell into the ground
seems like everything know what she feels now

that girl at the corner
sitting besides her only candle
a little candle
she looks very frustrated and sad
nobody knows why..

suddenly, he comes..
that boy! a mysterious boy
he walks into a girl
the girl's screaming! aloud!
she's so scared
she's crying, she's trying to run
but she can't

the girl falls
blood everywhere
that boy pulls out the dagger
he looks very frustrated
he's feeling very guilty
he thrust taht dagger into his own heart
and fall besides the girl
at the end of his life
he takes her hand and hold it tight..

Thursday, September 1

asa goto ni
koe o osamuru
kaze no otowa
yo o hete karuru

tsuma fuku kaze noas 
samuki yo ni
waga se no kimi wa
hitori ka nuramu

by morning, the leaves have fallen into silence,
the wind has finally parted,
like lovers after night,
all talked out, now broken-hearted

now the nights grow cold
and cold winds
return to howl
with you gone
my whole life is thorn
by winds,
i wonder:
do you sleep alone

from: ksatria malam dan putri hujan , novel by sitta karina

where is your SOULMATE?

Menurut salah satu legenda yang ada di dunia , manusia dulu punya dua kepala, empat kaki, dan empat tangan, tapi hanya punya satu hati saja. Mereka waktu itu belum mempunyai rumah sehingga harus tinggal di gua-gua. Suatu saat, ketika mereka lagi bermain-main di padang rumput, datang hujan badai yang besar. Mereka berusaha kembali pulang ke gua mereka masing-masing. Tapi ternyata terlambat. Sebuah petir besar menyambar mereka semua satu persatu. Setelah hujan reda, mereka mendapati tubuh mereka sudah terbelah. mereka sekarang hanya punya satu kepala, dua tangan, dua kaki dan hati mereka tinggal setengah saja. Itulah mengapa, sampai sekarang orang selalu berusaha menemukan belahan hatinya. <3

legenda yang unik dan so sweet bangeeettt kan, waktu pertama baca kutipan artikel ini aku langsung suka banget sama artikel ini, sampe gak pernah lupa sama artikel ini. Dari artikel ini kita tahu kalo ternyata setiap manusia mempunyai belahan jiwa mereka masing-masing yang gatau dimana dan mesti kita cari. So, kita gak boleh nyerah buat nyari belahan jiwa kita, karena entah dimana soulmate kita juga lagi nunggu kedatengan dan dia juga nyari kita :) keep searching guys!!